In everything we recognize two principles

In everything we recognize two principles that determine that events light and darkness good and evil creation and destruction as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always ether or these two principles the creative and the destructive also determine our technical means everything destructive is of satanic origin everything creative is divine every technology based upon explosion or combustion has thus to be called satanic.

Dievs, svētī Latviju!

Dievs, svētī Latviju,
Mūs’ dārgo tēviju,
Svētī jel Latviju,
Ak, svētī jel to!

Dievs, svētī Latviju,
Mūs’ dārgo tēviju,
Svētī jel Latviju,
Ak, svētī jel to!

Kur latvju meitas zied,
Kur latvju dēli dzied,
Laid mums tur laimē diet,
Mūs’ Latvijā!

Kur latvju meitas zied,
Kur latvju dēli dzied,
Laid mums tur laimē diet,
Mūs’ Latvijā!